This is YOUR Savior: A Christmas Message!

This is YOUR Savior: A Christmas Message!

Christmas can be a difficult time. It's often at Christmastime when family dysfunction rears its ugly head. So many people struggle rather than enjoy this time. So, I wanted to bring this message to you today as an encouragement and a hope. There are two genealogies...

Why Be Thankful?

Why Be Thankful?

For many of us the holidays are hard: the empty seat at the table, family tensions, and feeling stressed with so much to do. It's a time when we put on smiles, but the weight inside can be crushing us. Discouragement and frustration can lead us down a bitter road, a...

Satan’s Battlefield!

Satan’s Battlefield!

Satan said, "I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High" (Isaiah 14:13-14). Hence, this prideful attitude is what got him...

Can I Know God’s Will?

Can I Know God’s Will?

Most Christians wonder if it's possible to know God's will for their life. We ask questions like... How do I know who to marry? How do I know if I should move, or not? How do I know what ministry to do? How do I know what church to attend? How do I know what decision...

Lord, I Need Stability!

Lord, I Need Stability!

We live in a BROKEN world! Let's look at what's wrong with it... It's EVIL! Satan is the prince of the world (John 14:30), so it's no wonder that evil abounds. With terrorism, corruption, depravity, wickedness, perversion and immorality; it makes sense why so many...

Tolerance and the Christian!

Tolerance and the Christian!

With our culture and the world pushing tolerance, it's important we ask ourselves: What is tolerance? What does the Bible say about tolerance? Should the Christian embrace tolerance?  So, I would like to address this huge issue we all grapple with. First, let me say...

4 Signs We May Be Compromising!

4 Signs We May Be Compromising!

In Nazi Germany (1933-1945), the Nazi's sought to unify the protestant churches into a single pro-Nazi Protestant Reich Church. They put political and social pressure on the pastors to join this alliance. Many joined! In essence, these churches compromised biblical...

A Dangerous Movement in the Church!

A Dangerous Movement in the Church!

There's a movement sweeping the Church called the New Evangelical Movement. It actually has been around for awhile, but has changed names several times and has become more prevalent in recent days. Pastors and teachers are not just twisting the truth, they've fallen...

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