We live in a BROKEN world! Let’s look at what’s wrong with it…

It’s EVIL! Satan is the prince of the world (John 14:30), so it’s no wonder that evil abounds. With terrorism, corruption, depravity, wickedness, perversion and immorality; it makes sense why so many people feel like they’re going to come unglued. 

It’s ANGRY! On the rise is name calling, accusing each other, road rage, people fighting and not getting along. And then there are parents killing kids and kids killing parents. With these things escalating fast, is it any wonder why people are disillusioned and anxious.

It’s IMMORAL! Kids are subjected to all sorts of immoral stuff in schools, College students are embracing a “there’s no absolute truth” philosophy, and Hollywood is promoting unethical and wrongful lifestyles. Immoral music, movies, books, and the Internet keeps minds occupied with sinful practices. In fact, the world glorifies and accepts sin. And it’s infiltrating into the church. As we look into the face of immorality, we often feel shaky, weak, and unsure of the future.

It’s TWISTED! The world distorts and falsifies things so people believe it. As believers, we are driven by integrity, honesty and truth. But this twisted world makes us want to throw in the towel and quit. 

No doubt, we live in a BROKEN world. And the Bible tells us that it’s not going to get better, but it will get worse. 

So, what are believers to do? How can we get some stability back into our lives? First, we should get involved in our communities, schools, churches, and other venues. God has given us a voice and it’s important we use it. But this surely isn’t enough to give us stability.

It’s important we learn to live in this world with joy, peace, and contentment. You may think… Yeah, right! That’s not even possible. Oh, but it IS. While living in the midst of a broken world, the apostle Paul wrote a letter to the Church at Philippi and told them that [he] had “learned the secret of being content in any and every situation” (Philippians 4:12).  

So let me give you four principles that can help us achieve joy, peace, and contentment in the midst of this messy place we call home. When we apply these things to the framework of our lives, we get less shaky and more firm in our stance.

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1. Worship God in the good and the bad!

Remember Paul and Silas in Acts 16 when they arrived in Philippi? They were arrested, savagely beaten, thrown into a dungeon cell, and shackled by the ankles. Their world was shaken up. But rather than get mad at God, they sang hymns. They worshiped! 

Psalm 22:3 says that [God] “inhabits the praises of Israel (or His people).” 

No doubt, God came to dwell among everyone that night as Paul and Silas sang out in the midst of their pain. It’s easy to worship God when things are going well, but we need to learn to do it when things take a turn for the worse as well. There’s not a better way to point people to Jesus. 

I love to read God’s Word back to Him (out loud). By doing this, I’m reminded of who He is what He’s capable of. It’s then God pours His blessings out from His throne because He so loves to hear His Word. There are many ways we can worship. Let me encourage you to stop right now and just worship. 

2. Look beyond the bad and recognize the work God is doing!

Let me encourage you to read Philippians 1:12-18. The apostle Paul said that he was thankful for the gospel being preached, no matter what the motives were. Some were preaching just to make his chains worse and others from impure motives. But in the end, Paul was rejoicing because people were hearing about Jesus.

Let me remind you that God is ALWAYS at work. He loves to bring good out of bad. So it’s important that we look beyond the bad and search for what God is doing and how He’s revealing His presence.

Recently I heard that my son had been involved in some not-good-things several years back. In fact, it could have been much worse for him. But then I remembered how night and day I was praying for him even though I didn’t know what was going on. Then as I pondered the situation, I recognized how God delivered him. He just snatched him out of it. Oh, how my heart was filled with joy.

Surely, God will show up when we’re looking! 

3. Use your situation as an opportunity for Christ!

We learn at the end of the book of Acts, that for two years Paul was under house arrest in Rome. He was confined to a little place and chained to a Roman soldier night and day. But we read in Acts 28:30-31 that [Paul] “welcomed all who visited him, boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ.”  

Paul used his not-so-good situation as an opportunity. At the conclusion of Philippians, Paul mentions the believers within Caesar’s household (Philippians 4:22). So without a doubt, God brought many Romans to salvation because the apostle used his imprisonment as an opportunity.

Imagine how God can and will use our situation, too, if we would let Him. Ask God how you might use it for His glory? I’m sure you can make a difference in someone’s life.

4. Claim Scripture’s God-truths!

Our world is crazy and our circumstances can become overbearing, but we can still have joy, peace and contentment. This final point is one sure way to not come unhinged. Here are a few God-truths…

His understanding has no limit. Psalm 147:5
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Hebrews 4:13
I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:37
The LORD works out everything to its proper end. Proverbs 16:4
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9
We know that all things work together for those who love God. Romans 8:28

Reflecting on these God-truths reminds me of these three things…

God is STILL God
He’s still seated on the throne
He’s still in control. 

Oh my! Searching Scripture for God-truths will surely give us stability. 

Please take a moment to share this with others. Everyone needs these reminders.


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