Most Christians wonder if it’s possible to know God’s will for their life. We ask questions like…

How do I know who to marry?
How do I know if I should move, or not?
How do I know what ministry to do?
How do I know what church to attend?
How do I know what decision to make?

We often think that there must be a secret formula to attaining God’s will for our life, or that God reveals His will to only the pastors, teachers and leaders of the church.

Well, here’s the truth… There is NOT a secret formula NOR does God reveal His will to only the pastors, teachers and leaders of the church.

Let me say this: God does have a will for our lives, but it may not be what we thought. Scripture, though, holds the key that unlocks the door to God’s will.

Let’s look…

1. God’s will is that people come to salvation!

We read in 1 Timothy 2:4 that “[God] wants everyone to be saved and to understand truth.” Obviously, our salvation in Christ is the first part to knowing God’s will. And let me be frank: this is God’s ultimate desire because “He doesn’t want anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

Salvation comes when we recognize our sins, repent of them, and ask Jesus to become Lord of our life.

2. God’s will is that people seek after Him!

1 Chronicles 16:11 says that we should “seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually.” Likewise we are reminded in Matthew 6:33 to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.” And Jeremiah quotes God as saying, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

We can seek God in several ways:

  • Prayer (make time during each day to come into His presence)
  • Reading God’s Word (or studying it)
  • Worship

I am a STRONG advocate of Bible study. There isn’t a better way to hear God speak than through His Word. Speaking of Bible study, we would love to have you join us this September for Philippians…

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3. God’s will is that people have a relationship with Him!

In Jesus’ final prayer before His crucifixion, listen to what he prayed… “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one” (John 17:21). This is truly at the center of Jesus’ heart.

Friendship with God is the best way for others to see Christ in us.

4. God’s will is that people be filled with the Holy Spirit!

This one is so important to finding God’s will. Paul says, “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God” (Romans 8:14). And we read in Romans 8:27 that the “Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.”

We often act on our feelings, but the Spirit leads us with the strength to make right decisions.

But here’s the thing… some teachers say that being “filled with the Spirit” is a separate filling – separate from our salvation experience. Others say that it has something to do with certain gifts. I disagree with both. The more we seek after Christ and pour truth into our hearts and minds, the more the Spirit wells up in us to fullness.

God’s will is that people be thankful!

The apostle Paul writes: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Hence, we need to learn to live with a thankful spirit.

God’s will is that people be pure

Listen to these words: “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). Sexual immorality can include many different facets, including just lusting after someone, reading unhealthy romance novels, or watching immoral things on t.v. or the internet. The Bible tells us that as we wait for our Bridegroom to take us home, we need to stay pure (2 Corinthians 11:2).

So let me sum up our lesson with a few thoughts:

Psalm 37:4 reads: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Hence, when we seek after Christ and love Him with our whole hearts, He puts His desires in our hearts. Our desires no longer exist, but only His do. Therefore, it’s more important that we seek after Christ and have His desires than it is to know specifics of His will.

God’s will is not so much about what we do, but who we are or what we become through Christ. As we move forward in our relationship with Christ, doors will open and doors will close. We will have the wisdom and the joy to walk through the right doors.

So, instead of saying, Lord, show me your will for my life; it would be best to say, Lord, let your will be done in my life

I hope this message has been a good resource to finding God’s will. If we put to practice these principles, then we’ll be able to discern God’s will for our life.


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