For the next few posts, we’ll discover a fabulous aspect of our God: His protection. This is especially comforting as we talk about our wilderness wanderings.

The key verse is Psalm 27:5. Please write out this verse.

Picture a place where you feel safe and secure. As you envision this place, write out words that describe this safe haven.

Some words I chose are: shelter, protection, freedom, peaceful, and refuge. Is there such a place in your life? Look over the following list. Mark in order which places you would feel the safest.  

Department store
God’s sanctuary (His throne room)

For me, the the safest place is God’s sanctuary. Whether or not you chose this answer as your first safe place, I trust our lesson today will give us some beneficial insights into this remarkable place God has reserved for us. The first mention of God’s sanctuary is found in the Book of Exodus. According to the following verses, what common word describes this sanctuary? Fill in the blanks:

Exodus 15:17: “You will bring them in and plant them on the mountain of your inheritance – the place, O LORD, you made for your _________________, the sanctuary, O LORD, your hands established.” 

Exodus 25:8: “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will ____________                                 among them.” 

The original word for sanctuary means, “a sacred place; a place set aside by men upon God’s direction and acceptance as the place where he meets them and they worship Him.”¹ Namely, the tabernacle was built for the sole purpose of God to come and dwell among His people. Here’s something else of interest: every symbol in the Old Testament pointed toward a future time. Every feast, every piece of furniture in the tabernacle, and the tabernacle building itself, was a representation of the future. Keep this in mind as we take a quick journey into the New Testament to see what God says about His sanctuary.

According to the following passages, what do you learn about the present sanctuary? 

Hebrews 8:1-2
Hebrews 10:19-22  

The actual tabernacle building does not exist today, but there is a true sanctuary built for you and me. This is the place where God’s presence dwells. We might call it His throne room. It is in this place where He is seated, waiting with anticipation for us to enter. Once we step over the threshold and come in, we can immediately feel the safety and security this place offers— safer than any place we have ever been. 

Remember, King David learned the harshness of the desert. But even in the isolation of such a dry place, David found another home. Look up the following passages in the Psalms and record what David uncovered when he entered into God’s sanctuary. 

 Psalm 20:1-2
 Psalm 27:4-6
 Psalm 63:1-2

Choose one of these passages and write down how it relates to your life right now. 

Psalm 27:4 is my life verse. This verse is a significant reminder that we need to make coming into God’s house—His dwelling place—a priority each day, no matter what is going on or how we are feeling. 

There are no guarantees in life! This morning my mom called to say she needed surgery. My ministry has recently hit a few bumps in the road. The burdens for certain members of my family have increased. Concerns for my husband’s job have weighed heavily upon my heart during these unpredictable economic times. In addition to these struggles, I received a troubling email today. My first thought was to call a friend and unload. But God knew exactly what I needed. He positioned our topic perfectly into my daily activities and, rather than lean on someone else, I sought refuge in His sanctuary. What comfort I have found sitting in God’s throne room today.

I felt Him wrap His arms around me and hold me tight. He pulled me closer while I cried. Ever so softly, God whispered into my ear the exact words I needed to hear. This morning, I have enjoyed such amazing sweet fellowship with Jesus. Surely, God’s throne room is the most excellent place to find safety and security.

Do you need a place to hide from the storms threatening your survival? Do you need shelter from the worldly concerns enveloping your heart and mind? Do you need a place where you can feel safe? If so, where will you go? Where will you run? I pray there’s only one answer: to His sanctuary!

Suppose one day you opened your mailbox to find a beautifully designed envelope with your name embossed in gold. You don’t see a return address, but something tells you that what’s inside is important. So, before you even get to your front door, you tear open the envelope. On the front of the card, you read: “You are invited to come into My presence.” Now, your heart is beating even faster. Carefully, you open the card. What you read next takes your breath away: 

Come, My child! I have reserved a place just for you—right by My side or in My lap, if you so choose. I want to teach you many things, and I have so much to talk to you about. Oh, how I love you. My favorite part of the day is when you are curled up beside Me, resting your weary head upon My shoulder. I hope you know My love for you is unending—how I wait with anticipation for you to come so we might enjoy a rich and beautiful friendship together. Let Me take away your fears and heal your broken heart. Allow Me the privilege of setting you free from the chains keeping you bound up. As you sit here beside Me, joy and peace will flow from My throne to your heart. My presence is like a spring of living water which cleanses a troubled heart. I know how weary you are from this journey—all I have to do is look into your tear-stained eyes. I see your weakness. I understand the despair that has captured your soul. So, I’m asking you to come and sit beside Me. Let My power and strength give you the ability to run again with renewed energy. Oh, there’s so much for you up here with Me. Every day we spend together will bring our hearts closer together. My child, let us laugh together, cry together, and share life together. It is here where true victory is won, and battles are defeated. I’m waiting for you, My child. Come away with Me. Come home.   Love, Jesus 

Consider what it’s like to sit on God’s lap. Close your eyes and envision what this looks like. Write down your thoughts.  

Change is inevitable when one comes into the presence of God. As we stand amazed in His presence, praise to the Almighty One will automatically pour out from our hearts and our lips. Scan through Psalm 138 and write down five things David praised God for.  

Do you think words of such exultation would have been on David’s lips if he had not answered the invitation to come into the Holy of Holies? As David entered this place, he witnessed God in all of His glory. As he stood in total wonderment of his God, he fell to his knees in worship. Praise flowed from his lips. I cannot imagine any other place where David felt so safe and secure, especially during his wilderness days. How thankful I am that God included these inspired writings in His Word. God knows the devastation of the wilderness, and He also knows that we can easily lose our way with each step placed on that hot sand. We can certainly lose sight of Him. Let’s follow David’s example and enter God’s sanctuary each day. 

Read Psalm 150. This chapter conveys a picture of what it’s like to come into the presence of God. Now, write your own words of praise to God as you step into His sanctuary.

I hope today’s post encouraged you and offered you help and hope. Please share it with others who need this reminder.


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Wilderness Wanderings: Safe and Secure
@SherylPellatiro (2)
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