With the Christmas season looming and the difficult year we’ve had, I wanted to bring a message of hope to you. And what better way to do that than through the Christmas story.

We’ll be using Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus. It’s always a good thing to refresh yourself with what this season means to the believer, so let me encourage you to read Luke 1 and 2.

Mary was a young girl (probably around 14 years of age) and from a devout Jewish family. We learn that Mary was a virgin and engaged to Joseph (Luke 1:27). But, her plans didn’t quite go as expected. An angel appeared to her with a God-sized plan… she would be the chosen one to carry the Christ child. We can only imagine what went through her mind at that moment.

But, her response is what I want to hone in on. She told the angel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true” (Luke 1:38). Hence, May said YES to God.

Let’s look at this story and see what it means when we say YES to Jesus.

When we say YES to Jesus…

1. We come face-to-face with who He is!

Mary learned some things about the Son she was carrying:

“He would be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the
throne of his father David. He will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end” (Luke 1:33). 

This was a huge task and a great responsibility, but she said YES! At the moment she said YES, she didn’t know what it would entail, but she trusted God.

When we say YES, we get a clearer understanding of His sovereignty (absolute power and authority), His ways, His character, and His position. And it’s in this understanding our trust and belief soar. It’s a great place to be.

When we say YES to Jesus…

2. We are blessed!

After her encounter with the angel, Mary went to Jerusalem to see her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with her son, John the Baptist. Elizabeth said to Mary: “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said” (Luke 1:45). 

When we say YES to Jesus, God pours out His blessing – His favor – upon us. Many people have blessed my life (you included), but none hold a candlestick to being blessed by God. When God’s favor is on you, your light shines brighter and your impact in other’s lives stronger. I believe this is the desire of most followers of Jesus.

When we say YES to Jesus…

3. The Holy Spirit rises up in us!

Luke record “Mary’s Song of Praise” (Luke 1:47-55). These were beautiful and prophetic words she spoke to Elizabeth. Truly this was the Holy Spirit coming upon her, because the Holy Spirit had not yet been poured out on the church (Acts 2)

Some denominations call this “the baptism of the Spirit.” I just call it, “saying YES to Jesus.” I accepted the Lord when I was nine, but it was on a high school church retreat when I heard something that awakened my spiritual slumber. That night, I said YES to Jesus. I told Him that I wanted to live for Him, follow Him, and obey Him. I wanted His will to be done in my life. And in forty-seven years, I have NEVER wavered or turned back.

When we say YES to Jesus, the Holy Spirit rises up in us and helps us to understand the things of God. He is our counselor and guide. He is the One who teaches us how to live the Christian life. Our salvation invites the Holy Spirit in, but saying YES to Jesus causes Him to rise up and invade every aspect of our lives. This is what I want in my life. I’m sure you do, too.

When we say YES to Jesus…

4. Confirms His presence in our lives!

There are many people and situations involved in the Christmas story. The star in Bethlehem, the stable, the angels, the wise men (even though they came later), Simeon and Anna. All these things confirmed Jesus’ Lordship (and presence) to Mary and Joseph.

When we say YES to Jesus, His presence is confirmed by the people and the orchestrated events in our lives. Your support and encouragement have confirmed His anointing on my life. I can also look back and see how He orchestrated so many things… that have all been used to bring me to where I am right now. I would imagine you all have similar stories. Take a moment to thank Him for all that He’s done.

In conclusion, saying YES to Jesus is one of the best gifts we can give to Him. And it’s a gift that’s given back to us a hundred fold because we live the full life that Jesus came to give us.

So for Christmas this year, let’s give to Jesus the best gift ever… a heart that says YES!




P.S. Here’s what’s new…

Every morning at 10:00 EST, Sheryl will go LIVE with a 15 minute prayer time on the Solid Truth Ministries Facebook page.


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When We Say Yes to Jesus
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