Jesus’ parables combined kingdom truths with word pictures the people could understand. Shepherding was very common in Israel in the first century, but something tells me that on this day, the people listening got a whole new perspective on shepherds and sheep.

The parable of the Shepherd and the Sheep can be found in John 10:1-18. First, here is what each word represents:

Sheepfold – the kingdom of God, family of God
Sheep – the people of God (believers)
Shepherd – Jesus

Okay, let’s unpack this parable. I believe your heart will be so encouraged.


THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY IN! “Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures” (John 10:9)

You cannot get into the sheepfold through religion, doing good, being born into a Christian family, having lots of earthly credentials, going to church, living morally.

The way in (the ONLY way in) is through THE gate. And the gatekeeper is Jesus. He alone accepts anyone who wants to come in. But they must believe him and accept him (John 1:12)

Being a part of the one true sheepfold offers awesome benefits: freedom, fullness, and eternal life. 

*** If you have never received Jesus as your Savior, you can do that by acknowledging that Jesus died for you (Romans 5:8), recognizing that you’re a sinner (Romans 3:23), asking Him to forgive you of your sins (1 John 1:9), and inviting Him to come into your life (Romans 10:13). Don’t wait. You may not have tomorrow. 

The Sheep!

Remember that sheep represent God’s people. I summed up my research on sheep with 4 qualities:

DUMB! Without a shepherd, sheep would wander off, become food for prey (wolves), fall off a cliff, have no sense of direction, would not know where to go for grazing. Simply, sheep are not very smart. 

HELPLESS! Sheep are prone to disease and their shepherd works hard to prevent them from getting a disease. They also are prone to topple over onto their back. When this happens, they cannot get up on their own. Their shepherd is the only one who can get them back on their feet.

VULNERABLE! Sheep have GREAT enemies just waiting to eat them for dinner. Their shepherd protects them from harm.

DEPENDENT! Sheep are completely dependent on their shepherd for survival, protection, provision, safety, help, and security.

Hence, sheep NEED a loving shepherd to take care of them.

The Shepherd!

HE IS A GOOD SHEPHERD! “I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me” (John 10:14). He always works for our benefit. He tends to our needs, carries us if we’re weak, walks among us with a watchful eye, leads us to good land for grazing, and searches for us when we’re lost.

HE GIVES US A FULL LIFE! “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10). Fullness is something He offers to us, yet many of His sheep are not walking in this fullness. Why? Well, perhaps they are letting the thief (Satan) steal their peace, joy, and contentment. I think it’s time we take back what’s been given to us.

So, based on these facts, what is the sheep’s responsibility?

To LISTEN to the Shepherd’s voice and FOLLOW Him. There are many voices out there (wolves), but there is only one voice that matters above all others – the voice of our Shepherd. When I was in Israel, I stayed right next to our guide so I could hear his voice clearly. I didn’t want to miss anything. So, if troubles are weighing you down right now, or you feel pressed on all sides; then find your Shepherd, walk behind Him, and listen to His voice. He will lead you to the right place. He will soothe you with just the sound of His voice. And His voice is TRUTH. 

This is the ONLY way you and I can experience the rich satisfying life Jesus came to give us.

We NEED our Shepherd!


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The Shepherd and the Sheep
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