We recognize the characters of the Christmas story: Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Zachariah, Gabriel, the shepherds, the host of angels, Simeon, and Anna. We would surely agree that these people belong in the Christmas story – they are either from God’s chosen nation or beings from above. But as the story goes, there is a group of people that just don’t seem to fit in this story: the 3 Kings from the East. The Magi.

Everything about the Christmas story is a MIRACLE, and that surely includes the visit by these Magi from the East.

Before we continue, let me say that the Bible does not say there were only 3 kings. But since that is the number recorded through history, let’s just go with it today.

Let me encourage you to read the account in Matthew 2:1-12

So, who were these Magi? Warren Wiersbe says that they were “Oriental astrologers who studied the stars and sought to understand the times.” Now, it makes sense why they would follow this bright star. But how they knew they were looking for the Messiah is a mystery, except they may been familiar with an Old Testament verse. We read in Numbers 24:17: “I see him, but not here and now. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel.” Obviously, God revealed this marvelous sight to them and they followed the star all the way to Bethlehem.

It’s just like God to use outside people – and people with questionable backgrounds – for His divine purposes. So with that said, the Magi fit perfectly into the framework of the Christmas story.

This part of the Christmas story surely shows us that God draws EVERYONE to Him. God is the One who finds us, not the other way around. And when we choose to follow Him, even if it doesn’t make sense, or we aren’t sure where we’re going, it always produces AWESOME results. 

Let me ask… How far will you travel for Jesus? 

After a quick stop in Jerusalem and a visit with King Herod, the 3 Kings of the East arrived in Bethlehem. We’re not sure on the timing, but by the time they arrived, Jesus had been moved to a house (Matthew 2:11). And how they responded to this baby is truly remarkable.

  • They bowed in worship!

A true sign that they recognized Him as the long awaited Messiah. Isn’t it amazing that they came from a far off land to find Jesus, yet the religious leaders (only five miles away) never came. The people of God did not believe, yet when asked by Herod where the Messiah was supposed to be born, they quoted the exact passage: “And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not least among the ruling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel” (Matthew 2:6). 

That boggles my mind. 

The word “worship” comes from the Greek word proskyneo, and means “to show reverence, to pay homage.” Worship is what we do to place someone on a higher plane than us. Jesus surely deserves that place of honor and He is the ONLY One we should worship. The Kings of the East bowed in worship, so shall we. 

  • They offered gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh! 

While these were popular gifts presented to kings in that day, scholars believe each gift has a deeper meaning:

Gold: A precious metal and symbolized Jesus’ divinity – God born in the flesh.

Frankincense: Highly fragrant when burned and used in worship as a fragrant aroma to God. The gift of frankincense to baby Jesus was symbolic of His willingness to become a sacrifice, wholly giving Himself up, analogous to a burnt offering.

Myrrh: A spice used in embalming. The gift of myrrh represented Jesus’ death.

Each of these were expensive gifts. J. Vernon McGee said about these three gifts: “Gold speaks of His birth. He is born a King. Frankincense speaks of the fragrance of His life. Myrrh speaks of His death.” 

Offering gifts to Jesus is an act of worship. Offering gold, frankincense, and myrrh does not make sense for us, but there is another gift that bears even more weight to Jesus. It’s found in Romans 12:1: “I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” 

How will you offer your body to Jesus today? How will you worship Him like the Kings of the East did with their precious gifts?

  • They obeyed God’s direction!

On their way into town, a request was given to them by Herod. He told them to stop by again and tell him where he could find this baby. They may have believed his story about wanting to worship Him (when in reality Herod wanted to kill Jesus), and by all accounts they probably planned to go back there. But God warned them in a dream not go back that way. So, they obeyed and went home another route.

Nothing about this story makes sense to us, but it makes perfect sense to God. It shows us that…

Jesus came for ALL people
Following Him yields wonderful results
God always illuminates our path
Worshiping Jesus is a fragrant aroma God is pleased with
God’s plans ALWAYS come to fruition
God uses unlikely people to do His work
God is still in the habit of showing up in miraculous ways.

I hope today’s post encourages you this Christmas season. It really is the most amazing time of year simply because God became flesh and dwelt among us. Christmas is surely something to celebrate.

Have a Merry Christmas,

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The 3 Kings of the Christmas Story!
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