You and I will face those who oppose us, especially if we are fully committed to Jesus’ mission. 

For over a decade, a Texas school district used a local church’s sanctuary to host their graduation ceremonies. But it all ended abruptly when a group of atheists, agnostics, and free-thinkers asked the church to remove a large cross on top of the roof of the building. The leaders of the church refused, and since the school board didn’t fight it, that church will no longer be hosting public school activities. Friends, this is getting more popular in our country. Christians are coming against opposing forces every day.

Things were not any different in Paul’s day. In every city, the apostle was met with warm greetings from fellow believers and many people who opposed him. They hated his message, his love for Jesus, and his popularity. These enemies often joined forces together and caused great havoc for Paul. In his letter to the Philippian church, Paul offered great instruction when faced with opposers. 

The human response to opposers is different than God’s response. We often get mad, retaliate with words, lose our faith, or sometimes give up. Paul gives us four things we can do to stand against opposers…

  1. Stand worthy!
    “Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27).

The word worthy comes from the Greek word axios and means, “to reflect God’s character and thoughts.” So while our membership in God’s family comes with huge perks, it also comes with great responsibility. It’s our duty to represent God’s kingdom well. When we represent something, we stand in place of it or symbolize it. Subsequently, we show people the best side of what we’re representing by adhering to its values and virtues.

Let’s represent God’s kingdom well by doing what He tells us, rather than what our flesh wants.

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2. Stand firm!
“I know that you will stand firm” (Philippians 1:27).  

One definition to the word firm means, “not soft or yielding when pressed; securely fixed in place.”

The Christian walk is challenging. We have an enemy roaming this earth looking for someone – anyone – to devour (1 Peter 5:8). He’s strong and uses people to come against us – opposers. Thereupon, we are urged to stand firm because Satan can pick out a weak and vulnerable soul a thousand miles away. Like blood lures a hungry shark, a little crack attracts the devil.

I must say that many believers have been lured away by the pleasures of this world and watered-down messages. Therefore, they have cracks that Satan can easily pry open.

We can stand firm by holding onto truth. Clinging to the teachings in Scripture is the putty that seals up those cracks and creates a stronger foundation – a foundation that won’t crumble even if the earth shakes. So let’s putty up those cracks, plant our feet securely on the ground, and stand firm. Let’s not budge – not one little bit.

3. Stand together!
“I know that you will stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27).

The body of Christ is comprised of people. And there is certainly power in numbers. But only when people stand together. Division will make any institution, corporation, family, or relationship fall. It will weaken its foundation. Standing side-by-side with others has advantages. God intended for us to work together, not stand alone.

Here’s a saying we should adhere to: Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you.

Make sure you have people by your side – people who believe in you, encourage you, and who will pray with you. 

4. Stand courageously!
“…without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you” (Philippians 1:28). 

Here’s two things that can help us:

1) When the early believers faced opposers, they prayed for great boldness (Acts 4:29)
2) 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that we have not been given a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. 

With that said, let’s courageously share truth, rather than shrink away from it. God will help us.

I hope today’s post encouraged you, especially if you are facing opposers right now. These principles are some that we should always refer back to. They will help us as we face off with those who come against us, and God is truly honored when we act according to His Word.


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