by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 4, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
We briefly looked at this topic earlier in our study, but today I want to investigate servanthood a little deeper since it’s an important subject in Scripture. Let me begin by saying that the one being served is blessed, but the one serving is blessed the most. If...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 28, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Faith in Action, The Church
I believe that you, like me, want to flourish—to prosper—in your Christian life. You want to run God’s race with the loud roar of a fierce lion. The Apostle Paul spent considerable time praying for the believers. In fact, some of his prayers are recorded in...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 26, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
Today we continue with Joshua and his first battle. Please read again our passage Exodus 17:8-15. We begin our lesson by observing two important scenarios taking place, and both of them are on opposite sides of the battlefield. One is on top of the hill and the second...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 22, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Faith in Action
Christians often believe that if they are serving the local church—teaching a class, serving on a committee, singing on the praise team, leading a small group, shaking hands on Sunday morning, working with children, or participating on the prayer team—they are...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 19, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
Before we move forward into the first battle, there is one more detail we need to learn about Joshua. An important one! What do you learn about Joshua’s name in Numbers 13:16? The Hebrew name Joshua means, “Yahweh is salvation, deliverer.” Here’s the interesting...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 15, 2016 | Christian Growth, Faith in Action, The Church
There is nothing greater in God’s eyes than a believer whose faith is real, authentic. Hence, a genuine faith! The Apostle Paul spent considerable time writing to congregations full of impostors and hypocrites. Paul said to Timothy: “I have been reminded of your...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 12, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
God doesn’t have to do a background check on us like companies often do because He knows you and I so well, but our background can play an important role in the job He chooses for us. However, His credentials are usually in contrast to what we think they should be. In...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 9, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Spiritual Warfare
What giants are standing before you right now? What obstacles are blocking your way? Are you afraid? Do you think they’re too big to break through? Today, I was reflecting on a story you and I may have read a million times before. An Old Testament story. This...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 7, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Healing
How are you feeling right now? Are you tired? Worn out? Depleted? Empty? Numb? Is your life off track? Well, I’m here to tell you that I can relate, but we don’t have to let these things destroy our well-being. A couple weeks ago, I wrote a posted called...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 5, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
We continue today with observing how God’s plan was put into motion… Last week, we looked at the four hundred years the Israelites lived in slavery in Egypt. As time went on, the hardships became unbearable and their struggles began to surface. So, they...