by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 3, 2016 | Blog, Love
Oh boy, Satan is pressing in. He’s at it again and trying to get me to cave. Sometimes it feels like this war will never end. Can you relate? I hear myself saying to God, “Father, just take me home. I’m tired of the enemy.” Do you ever say...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 1, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
Joshua was set apart from the rest for a greater work. We need to remember that he was human just like us. And while he was trained, I wonder if he felt ready when the call finally came. I wonder if he felt inadequate to step into Moses’ shoes. Maybe he bargained with...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 30, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Finding Freedom, Friendship, Healing
Nothing good comes from broken relationships. They hurt. And sometimes the wounds are so deep that we think we’ll never recover. Or that the relationship is beyond repair. You know what I mean, don’t you? You may be facing a broken relationship right now....
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 26, 2016 | Blog, Finding Freedom, Healing
All over the world, people are celebrating Easter weekend. As I write this, it’s Saturday – the 2nd day. I got up this morning pondering what it might have been like in Jerusalem on the 2nd day. For most of the city, it was just another day. Yes, chaos...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 25, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
Returning to our story in Numbers 13 and 14 – the returning of the spies. You may want to review this passage. I see this bad report/good report as a focus issue. Ten of the spies focused on the people, their size and strength. They saw giants. Caleb and Joshua,...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 21, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Finding Freedom, Spiritual Warfare
I have a confession to make. I have struggled with fear my entire life. Anxiety runs in my family. And when anxiety reaches a boiling point, it turns into fear. And then intense fear turns into panic-attacks. I feel so weak sometimes. Can you relate? For me, it comes...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 18, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
Today we examine a passage that, in my mind, is one of the most moving stories in all of Scripture. Not only does it show the dark side of unbelief, but it also illuminates the glorious result of faith. Begin by reading Numbers 13:1-16. Who is the one that sent the...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 14, 2016 | Blog, Faith in Action, The Church
I’m out of my comfort zone with this topic. But, God is speaking to me. Here’s the dilemma. American Christians are obese. Now, hear me out. I’m not talking about physical obesity (there’s enough people out there doing that, and rightly so)....
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 11, 2016 | Bible study, Joshua
We continue this week by looking at Joshua the servant. God was preparing him for a greater work and it really began in this place. Later in life, Joshua probably looked back and thanked God for the lessons he learned from his very humble teacher, Moses. I don’t think...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 6, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Faith in Action
There is no doubt that today’s believers often neglect important Scriptural principles. Jesus said that “[we] are His friends if we do what He commands” (John 15:14). I want to be called His friend. How about you? Then it’s important we strive...