by Sheryl Pellatiro | Aug 7, 2016 | Blog, The Church
Okay, I’m really outside my comfort zone on this blog post. But the Holy Spirit has been nudging my spirit to write this. I’m not here to debate! I’m not a political expert. And I’m not going to tell you who to vote for or if you should vote....
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 31, 2016 | Bible study, Wilderness Wanderings
Our study today comes from Deuteronomy 2:24-3:11. Please read this passage of Scripture. Based on these verses, who fought the battles for the nation of Israel? Choose one. The people of Israel Soldiers ...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 28, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Joyful Living
What have you been listening to lately? The clatter of busyness? The opinions of others? The racket of social media? The roar of the enemy? You have to agree with me that we are surrounded by noise. Loud noise! And when we focus on all the worldly commotion, we often...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 22, 2016 | Bible study, Wilderness Wanderings
Today’s lesson comes from Deuteronomy 33. Please read this chapter. This passage details words Moses spoke as a blessing to each tribe just prior to his death. Not long ago, my ministry team gathered around me, put their hands on my shoulders, and prayed. If you have...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 16, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Joyful Living
Last night I listened to a Focus on the Family broadcast. The man interviewed at one time was a terrorist until he became a born again believer twenty years ago. His story was gripping! He grew up Muslim and discussed his former religion. Among many things, he said...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 15, 2016 | Bible study, Wilderness Wanderings
One of my favorite childhood fairy tales is the story of the “Three Little Pigs.” Of course, this memorable narrative is listed among the great classic children’s stories of all time. Let me take a moment to re-cap this fictional tale. There were three little pigs...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 12, 2016 | Blog, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare, The Church
In the 70’s, I remember reading a powerful book: “Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsey. Let me tell you something! Forty plus years have passed since that book was written. And Satan is more alive now than ever before. He is...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 6, 2016 | Bible study, Wilderness Wanderings
There is one well-known fact for any camper or hiker: if you see a bear cub—no matter how cute he might be—never approach it because the mother is somewhere close by, ready to pounce at the threat of immediate danger to her offspring. The mother bear hovers over her...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 3, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Healing
Why do some people get healed of cancer and others lose the battle? Why do some peoples’ prayers get answered quickly and we’re still praying for our answer? Why do some find a way out of the desert and we’re still wandering in it? Why have some...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Jul 1, 2016 | Bible study, Wilderness Wanderings
For the next few posts, we’ll discover a fabulous aspect of our God: His protection. This is especially comforting as we talk about our wilderness wanderings. The key verse is Psalm 27:5. Please write out this verse. Picture a place where you feel safe and...