Un-Limiting God!

Un-Limiting God!

In his book Unlimiting God, Richard Blackaby said: “After many years of walking with God and seeking to go deeper with Him, I’ve drawn this conclusion: We limit God.” Nothing in Scripture tells us that our God has limits. It’s our perception and our own limited view...
Wilderness Wanderings: Amazing Grace

Wilderness Wanderings: Amazing Grace

Our study comes from 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. Please read this passage.  How does Paul describe his trial (verse 7)? The description of this thorn in the flesh leaves much to the imagination since Paul does not reveal more about it. But nonetheless, it’s still very...
Is God Late?

Is God Late?

I have ALWAYS believed in the power of prayer. I believe that God answers! I believe in the faithfulness of my God! James puts it this way: “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). It’s been years I’ve waited to...
We’ve Got One Shot!

We’ve Got One Shot!

Many of us have been glued to the television set watching the Olympics these past couple weeks. Well, to be honest – I haven’t given up life to watch the athletes compete against other world athletes, but I have enjoyed a few events. I’ve been blown...

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