I have a confession to make. I have struggled with fear my entire life. Anxiety runs in my family. And when anxiety reaches a boiling point, it turns into fear. And then intense fear turns into panic-attacks.

I feel so weak sometimes.

Can you relate?

For me, it comes and goes. I think it’s gone and then it rears its ugly head again.

Fear usually strikes when I’m about to do something outside my comfort zone. And guess what? God has called me to do a work outside my comfort zone.

Here’s another piece to this puzzle. Satan has used my history of fear for leverage to keep me from doing what God has called me to do. But God ALWAYS wins, of course.  

Still, it’s really hard.

Recently, I felt anxious again. I could sense that if I didn’t nip it in the bud, it would turn into something ugly. 

And one day God gave me a word. I want to share the same word with you. It actually starts with a verse I’ve read a thousand times before. But this time it took on a whole new meaning.

The verse? “For God has NOT given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7).

I pondered this verse. I said it again and again. I think you should, too. 

Here’s the thing: the spirit of fear is NOT from God. But the spirit of power, love and self-discipline is.

That means that you and I have a spirit of power to overcome spirits that are not of God. 

You have the power to overcome:

Low self-worth

And the list goes on and on.

I guess we need to evaluate what spirit we might have in us that is not of God – a spirit that is hindering us from the fruitful life God intended us to live.

And then once we’ve identified it, we go to work to get it out of our lives forever.

Here are a couple things I’ve been doing…

Saying 2 Timothy 1:7 out loud over and over again. I need this reminder every day.

Reading Scripture out loud morning and night.

And then using the tools at my disposal to fight off the enemy – the one that wants to destroy my peace and keep me from furthering God’s kingdom work.

So how does that look for you and me? Remind Satan of God’s promises. Tell him, in Jesus’ Name, that you belong to the King of kings. Tell him that he has NO jurisdiction over you. Make sure to say it out loud, though, because Satan cannot read your mind.

Sometimes I scream it over and over again. 

Stand your ground!

And keep doing this until you notice the wrong spirit is gone and the right spirit prevailing. 

Presentation4Let me remind you that you are VICTORIOUS through Jesus Christ. Paul writes: “But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

This post is for all of us. I won’t let Satan have one more piece of me. I will use 2 Timothy 1:7 as leverage against him.

How about you?

It may take awhile to master it, but don’t give up. 

I know it seems simple, but God’s ways usually are simple. We just need to exercise our rights as His children and use the divine tools at our disposal.

Please write your comments and thoughts in the comments section. We need to hear from you.


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Mastering Our Fears and Weaknesses!
@SherylPellatiro (2)
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