Read Joshua 2:8-11 and answer the following questions:

What had the people of Jericho heard?

What was their response?

What did Rahab believe?

Write out Rabab’s words in Joshua 2:11:

Compare Rahab’s words with Hebrews 11:6. What does God honor?

Rahab’s story is surely one that shows how God honors faith. And she had incredible faith – faith that was not evident in anyone else in her city. Rahab may have been a sinful woman, but she exerted a deep faith in a God she did not know. She believed God would do everything He said He would.

Do you believe God at His Word? Do you believe Him to take care of your situation today? How are you showing it to Him? Write out your response.

God’s Word is gospel to us. God’s Word is more valuable than gold! It’s higher than the highest mountain, deeper than the deepest ocean, and stronger than the strongest foe. In fact, the longest chapter in the Bible is about God’s Word: Psalm 119. At your convenience, you may want to reflect on this marvelous chapter and write down everything you learn about God’s Word.

Ponder Psalm 19:2-11 and then write out words and phrases describing God’s Word.

How much do you believe these words? Do you believe that God’s precepts are right? Perfect? Trustworthy? Sure? If you do, then how will you respond in the midst of your difficulties right now? Will you trust God? Will you step out on faith even if it doesn’t make sense? I’m sure that nothing made sense to Rahab, but she believed God at His Word. She did not have the completed Scriptures at her disposal, yet she believed. Not only do we have God’s complete Word before us, we also know Him. He is our God. Jesus is our Savior. With that said, will you put your total faith in your God? Will you believe Him?

Write out what is deep in your heart right now.

Summarize the remainder of this chapter, Joshua 2:12-24.

Now we see another amazing characteristic of Rahab: boldness. It took tremendous boldness to ask the spies to save her life. She was a woman with a past – a sordid past. She was a sinner still living in her sin. She was a foreign woman. She knew God to be holy. And she must have known that His people lived a different life than her people. In spite of all the things against her, she still exercised brave boldness.

We see boldness throughout the Scriptures, especially in the New Testament church. The early believers seemed to face off with opponents at every juncture. In Acts 4, Peter and John were arrested for preaching about Jesus’ resurrection. When the authorities couldn’t find enough evidence to keep them, they released them. We read in Acts 4:23 that “On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them.”

According to Acts 4:24, how did the people respond?

What did they pray for (Acts 4:29)?

I have missed many an opportunity to share Jesus with someone simply because I was too timid or afraid. I’ve let precious opportunities go by because I wasn’t bold enough to speak up. I know that God looks for boldness in His people. It takes boldness to speak His Name. So, I will do what the early believers did – I’ll pray for more boldness. How about you? Will you join me?

Read Joshua 6:22-23. Did God honor His Word? How?

Let’s conclude today’s lesson on Rahab by looking at what the New Testament writers wrote about this woman. Read the following passages and write down what you learn.

Hebrews 11:31:

James 2:25:

Here’s one more interesting thing we need to know. This foreign woman’s name is listed among Christ’s genealogy (Matthew 1:5). Hence, Jesus came from her line. Isn’t that amazing?

Please take a moment and review today’s lesson. What stands out to you about Rahab and how would you like to emulate her life? Write out your thoughts.

Have a blessed week and keep pursuing God with a passion!

Love and Blessings,

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