We continue today with observing how God’s plan was put into motion…
Last week, we looked at the four hundred years the Israelites lived in slavery in Egypt. As time went on, the hardships became unbearable and their struggles began to surface.
So, they cried out to God.
And, of course, God would never let His people live in slavery forever. He had a plan! A glorious plan!
At the conclusion of their four hundred years in Egypt, the nation numbered over 2 million people.
How did the Israelites respond to the harsh labor imposed on them (Exodus 2:23)?
How did God react to their groaning (Exodus 2:24-25)?
Read Exodus 3:1-10.
Moses was an unlikely candidate for this massive work. He was raised in the Egyptian palace of Pharaoh, but fled from that country some forty years earlier after killing a man (Exodus 2:11-15). Moses ended up in Midian and settled there. We don’t learn much about his life during that time, but we do know that he tended sheep.
Something tells me that life in Midian had become comfortable, and perhaps peaceful. I doubt he ever wanted to go back to Egypt. But, of course, God had other plans.
Answer the following questions based on Exodus 3:7-8:
What was God’s plan?
What was God’s promise?
Write out the description of the land God would give to His people.
God described a land that was rich, fertile and desirable—a land He would give to His people for their enjoyment. Imagine the joy in their hearts when they heard this. God was not only going to deliver them from the harsh conditions of Egypt, but He was giving them a beautiful land. A land they could call their own. A land they could put down roots. Such hope in their otherwise gloomy world.
The promise and hope God gave to the Israelites is a picture of what He’s promised us.
Give a brief description of our future home based on Revelation 21:1-4.
Not long ago, my friend and her family went on a mission trip to Haiti. As my friend ministered among the people, she was drawn to this one particular lady—a lady who lived in squalor conditions, but radiated joy. When my friend asked her what gave her such joy, she simply stated that she kept her eyes focused on the life awaiting her—her new home in heaven.
Imagine that!
The people of God were struggling to survive in Egypt. The conditions were horrible.
So, I’m guessing that once they heard the good news, they surely must have kept their eyes focused on their Promised Land.
Describe the land you live in right now. What are the good things? What are the bad things?
We may live in America, the land of plenty, but we also live in a fallen world—a world where sin is rampant. And in this place, we face hurt, pain, temptation, and disease every day. But the good news is that God has promised to take us away from all this one day—to a true Promised Land.
A land far better than we’ve ever known.
The other day, I wrote in my journal what God said to me. Here’s a short excerpt:
“Remember child that one day there will be no more pain or sorrow. There will be no more dark nights or dreary days. One day you’ll have a brand new body perfectly suited for heaven. And in this place, you’ll be reunited with your loved ones – they are waiting for your arrival – and you will meet many new ones. Your life in heaven will far exceed anything you’ve ever experienced on earth. It will all be yours one day and the rewards for a faithful life will be poured out.”
Aren’t you excited? I know I can hardly wait.
If you would like to study more about what awaits us, along with some of the end-time things, then you’ll want to get our Bride of Christ Bible study. This study parallels the ancient wedding customs with today’s Church, Christ’s Bride.
So let me ask you: Will you do as so many others have done? Will you fix your eyes on what’s ahead, what God has promised?
Write down how you will do this.
Stay with me as we continue to move closer to God fulfilling one of the greatest promises ever recorded in Scripture.
Write down what you gained from today’s lesson. What did God speak to you about?
Love and Blessings,
What really blessed my heart in this Lesson on Joshua is that Our God seems to take pleasure in calling Himself, “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” For it once again assures us that He takes great pleasure in making Covenants with His People. And as “A Covenant-making God,” we can also be assured, that when we cry out to Him for help, He will hear our cry, and move heaven and earth to release us from our bondages. (Red Sea, Jordan River, perhaps?)
I also saw the correlation between the land that The LORD God promised His People, (a land that would be flowing with milk and honey,) and the land we so patriotically call “America.” For as you wrote, Sheryl, “God described a land that was rich, fertile, and desirable; a land that He would give His People for their enjoyment.”
Can we not say that we really enjoy our land from “sea to shining sea,” and even in between? Our Nation is filled with wonders, almost too many to visit in a person’s lifetime. This makes me think of my visit to the Grand Canyon where I stood in its heights, cried, and then declared The Glory of Our God with tears running down my cheeks! I feel the same way when I take in the awesomemess of our seas and the mountains that peruse through our States.
In fact, if I asked you to join me in a conversation about what we as Americans have been blessed with, we could spend days sharing the beauty of the land that God has given to us. For so many of our parents came to America through Ellis Island, which means that many of us have some powerful stories to share about their ocean voyages and the rough seas.
In fact, my Mother came from Scotland with a Scottish father and an Irish mother when she was just “a wee one” with her two Sisters. My husband’s father was also foreign born in Fumi Fredo, Italy, and yet called America the greatest Nation on the face of this earth. Why? Because like the Israelites, we were blessed to come to a land of exquisite freedoms and beauty; a land where we can express our Faith freely and dream great and expansive dreams.
But, like Israel, many of us have turned their backs on “The God of our Blessings,” and refuse to even acknowledge that He is alive and reigning from His Powerful Throne in Heaven, carefully watching over the concerns of those whom He created in His Image.
So, I asked myself humbly as this Lesson came to a close: what will I do to keep focused? My answer to one of Sheryl’s final questions is that I shall keep my eyes fixed upon Jesus, The Author and Finisher of my Faith. And I shall choose to wake up every day of my life thanking Our Father for this beautiful land that He has given us which is called, “America.” For as He so blessed Israel and her people, Our God has so blessed us, His “Grafted in” children.
May all of our Blessings continue as we serve Him together,
So beautifully written, Elsie. Praying your words bless many as they read it.