Our passage continues in Joshua. In Joshua 1:6-9, God breaks down what His success is. Here’s my two cents: this message is for every believer. We want to be successful. But we often look for it in the world. We work towards the approval of people. But as believers, the only one who really matters is God. One day we’ll be accountable to God. His opinion should be above all other opinions. God tells Joshua—and us—how we can be successful in His eyes and for His kingdom. So, really ponder the remainder of today’s lesson.     

What does God tell Joshua (Joshua 1:7)? Fill in the blanks:

“Be __________________ and very ______________________.”

Now, read the remainder of the verse. Where does strength and courage come from?

God doesn’t expect His people to be strong and courageous on their own. That isn’t even possible, especially when it comes to accomplishing His work. So, He tells Joshua that he will become strong and courageous through the Word of God.

I must tell you that this is speaking to my heart right now. I have some upcoming engagements that are making me anxious. Today though, God reminded me that I can be strong and courageous. I can draw everything I need from His Word.

How about you? Are you feeling weak right now? Unsuited for something coming up? Inadequate? Anxious? Write out what you are going through at this moment.

Now that we know where strength and courage come from, let’s follow God’s great instruction to Joshua and find out how we can get it.

Write down what you see as the strategy for God’s success based on Joshua 1:6-9. Don’t leave anything out.

Now, let’s discuss these things a little more and seek to apply them to our lives.

During the years of his leadership, Moses kept a written record of God’s Word and acts and committed it to the priests (Deuteronomy 31:9). So, at the time of the conquest of the Promised Land, the people of Israel had just five books of the Law—the first five books in our Bible. This was the Law God was referring to. But we live centuries later and possess the completed Scriptures. The Law for us would be the entire Bible.

How much of the law should we obey (verse 7)?

The word all in this verse is critical to our success. God doesn’t want partial obey-ers. He wants total obey-ers. He cringes when we pick and choose commands to obey and negate others. But isn’t this true of what many believers do? I know I’ve been guilty. The Bible is filled with commands, so it’s important we study Scripture to find out if there are some we are ignoring.

What is your prayer?

The word meditate in verse 8 means “to mutter.” It was a practice of the Jews to read Scripture aloud (Acts 8:26-40) and talk about it to themselves and to one another (Deuteronomy 6:6-9).² This may be why God warned Joshua that the Book of the Law was not to depart from his mouth.

Compare James 1:22-25 with “meditating on the Law.” What are we to do with God’s Word?

What does the phrase “looks intently” in verse 25 mean to you?

In referencing this phrase from James 1:25, Warren Wiersbe says that it means to gaze carefully, not glance casually. ³ I believe that “meditating on God’s Word” is the same concept. Ponder it! Maybe look at other Bible versions. Read it carefully, always examining how it applies to your life.

Here are two more questions from our passage in Joshua.

What do you think God means when He says “do not turn from it to the right or the left” (Joshua 1:7)?

When are we to meditate on God’s Word (Joshua 1:8)? 

I know I want to please God and be successful for His kingdom work. Our forefathers, Joshua included, left us a lasting legacy. These are big shoes to fill. But if we follow this great instruction from Joshua 1, we can also be successful. Is this what you want?

Take a moment to write out what God spoke to you about as you worked through your lesson. How will you apply it to your life?

Please write in the comments section what spoke to you about today’s lesson.


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Joshua: God Describes Success
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