by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 26, 2016 | Blog, Finding Freedom, Healing
All over the world, people are celebrating Easter weekend. As I write this, it’s Saturday – the 2nd day. I got up this morning pondering what it might have been like in Jerusalem on the 2nd day. For most of the city, it was just another day. Yes, chaos...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 21, 2016 | Blog, Christian Growth, Finding Freedom, Spiritual Warfare
I have a confession to make. I have struggled with fear my entire life. Anxiety runs in my family. And when anxiety reaches a boiling point, it turns into fear. And then intense fear turns into panic-attacks. I feel so weak sometimes. Can you relate? For me, it comes...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Nov 27, 2015 | Blog, Finding Freedom, Joyful Living
Popular author and speaker, Joyce Meyer, shares her story. She was hard to get along with, harsh to people, controlling, manipulative, angry, critical, negative, overbearing, and judgmental. She also didn’t know how to give or receive love. Married and divorced! But...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Nov 20, 2015 | Blog, Finding Freedom
Can I be honest? I have been on this comparison cycle for years – probably the majority of my life. Last night, I was invited to a jewelry show. When I walked into this girl’s home, I was enamored by her fashion sense and the beautiful décor throughout each perfectly...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Nov 18, 2015 | Blog, Finding Freedom
Let’s talk about stress for a moment. I wanted to address this issue because it’s a real threat that is destroying so many lives, even – and especially – believers. We live in a fast-paced society and the pressure to measure up is astounding. Whether it’s in our...