by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 23, 2017 | Blog, Doubting, Finding Freedom, Hope, Promises
Are you anxious or worried? Do you long for peace? Are your chains weighing you down? Do you feel defeated? Have you lost hope? Are you tired of the rat race? The other day, I was reading through Joshua (the story about conquering Jericho) when God hit me over the...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 15, 2017 | Blog, Jesus Last Week
Imagine the somberness in Jerusalem over the weekend. Peter’s despondent. The religious leaders are rejoicing. The Roman soldier is still marveling. Mary Magdalene hasn’t stopped crying. The townsfolk are going about business as usual. Jesus’ mother...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 14, 2017 | Blog, Jesus Last Week
Well, the religious leaders finally got what they wanted. They arrested Jesus. And they tied Him up before leading Him away. In the early morning hours, Jesus is brought in for questioning. While many slept, others were wide awake. This was no small commotion. The...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 12, 2017 | Blog, Jesus Last Week, Joshua
As things move forward, we will begin to understand the full measure of love Jesus poured out for us. We’ll also get a closer look at the intimacy Jesus shared with the disciples, despite their flaws. Their hearts will be… Awakened to future truths Moved...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 12, 2017 | Blog, Jesus Last Week
I have to laugh because it’s hard to decipher from the Gospel accounts the exact chronological order of this final week of Jesus’ ministry. And the resources and commentaries seem to differ on the order as well. But I must tell you that I’ve tried to...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 11, 2017 | Blog, Jesus Last Week
I’m loving this series, are you? What a journey as we travel with Jesus on that last week leading up to the cross. On Monday, Jesus spent some time in Jerusalem. Before He left for the night, he exerted His authority by cleansing the Temple. Oh my goodness! The...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 10, 2017 | Blog, Jesus Last Week
We continue with our series as we travel with Jesus during the last week before His death and resurrection. He’s been busy. Teaching. Training. And getting ready for what He came for. On Sunday, He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People came out in droves to...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Apr 10, 2017 | Blog, Jesus Last Week
We begin a series on the events leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. We will cover every day’s events as told to us in Scripture. When someone knows they are dying, they are careful to share important things with their loved ones. I think...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 27, 2017 | Blog, Finding Freedom, Spiritual Warfare
I’ve been teaching Romans on Facebook Live on Thursday’s. Today’s topic comes from last week’s message. Imagine waking up in the hospital one day and having no idea who you are. You have no identification, you can’t remember your past,...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 13, 2017 | Blog, Doubting
In Acts 16, the apostle Paul and Silas come to a city called Philippi. On the Sabbath, they went to the outskirts of town and met a group of women who had gathered. As was his custom, Paul shared the gospel and one lady in particular, Lydia, came to know Christ. God...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Mar 6, 2017 | Blog, Healing, Hope, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare
You may remember Miss Clara in the movie War Room. I don’t know about you, but I loved the way she prayed. With power. With authority. With passion. And with fervency. With that kind of praying, the enemy surely doesn’t have a chance. Sometimes he needs a...
by Sheryl Pellatiro | Feb 27, 2017 | Blog, The Voice of God
When I was 16, I attended a winter retreat with my youth group. I went with my agenda. It was about having fun with friends. But that weekend I came home with God’s agenda tucked into my heart. A question the pastor asked one night was like getting hit by a...