3 Mandates for a GREAT Leader!

3 Mandates for a GREAT Leader!

We’ve been studying Joshua and God is speaking. We are watching Joshua rise up to become one of the greatest leaders in the Old Testament. He didn’t have it easy. Moses was dead and he was now in charge of a couple million people. Moses led a flock in the...
Fighting Against Deception!

Fighting Against Deception!

My post today comes to you again from our study on Joshua (sign up for our FREE ONLINE class). I know people who are easily swayed by the sweet talker, the charmer, the manipulator. He/she knows exactly what to say to get the person they’re trying to dupe to give them...
Divide and Conquer!

Divide and Conquer!

From our Bible study JOSHUA: HEAVEN’S MIGHTY WARRIOR Sign up for FREE for our ONLINE Bible study on Joshua! A reminder… Joshua takes the reigns of leadership after Moses died and leads the people of Israel into their awaited Promised Land. If you had...
Take Off the Lid!

Take Off the Lid!

I heard a speaker once say that we should never put a lid on our spiritual box. This made me think of how I’ve done just that. I grew up in a traditional church, with conservative views. While I’m proud of my heritage and the biblical foundation I received in my...
Stop Worrying! Start Trusting!

Stop Worrying! Start Trusting!

Life never seems to go the way we thought or imagined. When I look back on those early days – when I was young, in college, and dreamed of a “fairy tale” life – I’m amazed at how different things turned out. I crossed a milestone this...
How We Can Be Ready!

How We Can Be Ready!

Most believers often think about one prophetic event yet to be fulfilled: the Rapture of the Church. This is the sudden snatching away for Christ’s Bride. Those who have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior are the ones who will be taken, without notice, from...
Who Do You Say I Am?

Who Do You Say I Am?

Written tests in school were scary for me, but oral exams intimidated me even more. With the whole class watching and listening, a quick and correct answer was expected after the question was presented. Sometimes I remember wishing I was invisible. I hoped the teacher...

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