Getting Our Joy Back!

Getting Our Joy Back!

People often think that joy and happiness are the same thing. Well, they’re not! Happiness is based on our circumstances. But joy, on the other hand, is something deep within our souls – a beautiful gift God gives to us – and can be present even in the midst of...
Conquering the Cycle of Comparison!

Conquering the Cycle of Comparison!

Can I be honest? I have been on this comparison cycle for years – probably the majority of my life. Last night, I was invited to a jewelry show. When I walked into this girl’s home, I was enamored by her fashion sense and the beautiful décor throughout each perfectly...
Winning the War on Stress!

Winning the War on Stress!

Let’s talk about stress for a moment. I wanted to address this issue because it’s a real threat that is destroying so many lives, even – and especially – believers. We live in a fast-paced society and the pressure to measure up is astounding. Whether it’s in our...
How Can I Hear God Speak to Me?

How Can I Hear God Speak to Me?

I congratulate high school students moving toward a goal and working hard for good grades. Their parents must be so proud. I was not that student. In fact, I graduated high school by the skin of my teeth and with poor grades. The social scene was the place I fit in...
The Battle of the Mind

The Battle of the Mind

When we moved from Michigan to South Carolina last year I gave a supply of books to the Good Will. As I cleaned off my bookshelves, though, there were some manuals I just couldn’t part with. They have become great resources to me and have enhanced my journey with...
Welcome to the Bible Study Blog!

Welcome to the Bible Study Blog!

Can you relate to any of these scenarios? Overwhelming circumstances Busyness Relationship woes Struggling faith Ministry hardships Family problems Bondage Addiction Something tells me that you can relate to some or all of them, whether in the past or right now. I...

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