Don’t tune me out because this seems like a familiar topic. Don’t log off until you’ve read it. Why? Because while these are truths we may have known for a long time, it’s always good to be reminded of them.

I think you might need to hear this message today. I know I do!

You may be going through something terrible, something horrible. You may feel all alone, like no one cares. Your trust is wavering and your faith is shallow. You’ve lost trust in people. You’ve lost confidence is yourself.

You are feeling the weight of life’s burdens on your shoulders. And it’s heavy!

Whether we are on top of the mountain, down in the valley, or somewhere in between, we need to remember what God says to us. His Word comes to us in every walk of life.

Here’s what He says:


Did you know that God searched high and low for you? He sought you out and bought you as His own. That’s true love. No one on this earth could do for us what God has done.

I’m not sure we quite understand the depths of God’s love. Peter writes that “love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). That means that no matter what we’ve done, His love is stronger and bigger. More encompassing.

The Apostle Paul tells us that “nothing can ever separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38). And Paul goes on to say that NOT even the powers of the darkness can remove God’s love from us.

Jesus has been in love with you since before you were born. And His love is complete. Full! Amazing!


John says, “Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear” (1 John 4:18). 

So, if you are feeling unloved, unwanted, and unhappy with your life situation right now, just bask in HIS ALL-CONSUMING LOVE. Fall into it. Rest in it. Let Jesus fill up all the empty places with His love.


We read in Ephesians 1:7 that “He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.”

Here’s the thing: we are NOT deserving of such kindness and grace. We’ve sinned against God. Our hearts are desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).

I think that sometimes we forget about our sinful nature. If it wasn’t for God’s forgiveness, we would be forever condemned in our sin. No matter what we’ve done, we are forgiven.

At the end of six long and grueling hours on the cross, Jesus breathed out His last words: “It is finished!” The Greek word for this phrase, tetelestai, was often written on receipts by merchants to reflect that it had been PAID IN FULL.

While Jesus has forgiven us, we often have not forgiven ourselves or others. If we can’t let go, then we can’t be free. So, embrace the forgiveness given to you at the cross and ask Jesus to help you forgive as well.



Isn’t this comforting? We love to be held in someone’s arms, don’t we? Even as an adult, it feels good and secure resting in someone’s arms.

I remember the day I arrived at the hospital after learning that my sister was dying. I drove four hours to Michigan from Ohio. I don’t remember much about that day, except walking into the waiting room and seeing a few relatives sitting together. My parents were in the room with my sister, so I remember falling into my Uncle Dan’s arms. I felt a calmness in my spirit just resting in his arms.

Well, God holds us like that, only tighter. I love that Zephaniah 3:17 says that God sings over us. It reminds me of when I would sing over my babies. The humming of my voice would often soothe their troubled little bodies.

Just feast on this truth right now as you look into the face of uncertainties. 


I wonder what David was going through when he wrote: “I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence” (Psalm 139:7)! David surely needed reassurance of God’s presence as much as we do.

If you are faced with a disturbing diagnosis, or struggling to make sense of a situation, or wondering what tomorrow will hold, or tired and weary, God is with you. 

If you are called upon to go outside your comfort zone, or wondering how you will pay the next bill, or hurting because a loved one has walked away from you, God is with you.

We are NEVER alone! God is always with us. Do you feel His presence?


One of the best things that Jesus offers to us is abundant life here on earth and eternal life awaiting us. 

Are you living a fruitful and abundant life? The good news is that this life can be ours even if and when our circumstances are not favorable. Jesus said, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10). 

So here’s something we need to remember: if we are not living the rich and satisfying life Jesus died for, then we’ve let Satan steal it away. It’s important we stop listening to the devil’s lies and start embracing the truth of God’s Word.

I hope today’s post encourages you and offers you strength no matter what’s going on.

Please share it with others. 

Love and Blessings,

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